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Here’s some tips on keeping your kids entertained

1 Aug 2022 05:30AM by Donna Collins, Head of Family Experience


It’s a week into the summer holidays and we’ve still got plenty of ideas to keep your children entertained this week. We caught up with Donna, our Head of Family Experience at Virgin Active, and asked her for tips on how she keeps her nephews entertained during the holidays...

Hey Donna! Tell us about how you keep your nephews busy during the holidays and what tips you’ve got for parents?

My nephews are 5 and 11 so I have to think of things that can keep both of them entertained. The younger one will usually just go with the flow but the older one loves a challenge! Letting them decide what they want to do is actually part of the fun and it doesn't always have to be an expensive day out.

Staying local to avoid long travel is a win. We love popping over to the local park with either a picnic, a football or a basketball. Sometimes, we even take bikes or scooters.

Are there any particular games that always get your nephews excited?

At the park, I usually set them challenges such as 'how many kick ups' or 'how many hoops' can you do in a certain time and see if they can beat their time.

We also have a written scavenger hunt activity called 'what to find in the park'. We write down 10 things to find for example, a snail, a leaf, a ladybird and I time how long it takes to find them. With my younger nephew, we find different items of certain colours.

There is another game similar to toss the beanbag that we like to play using small rocks or balls. I bring a paper template with numbered targets on it and we add up whatever each throw lands on. This game is great for them to practice throwing skills as well as adding up, and you can bring in a little competition by having a best of 10 throws or something similar.

Sticks and stones (or noughts and crosses) is also a favourite, and for a more relaxing activity, we like to collect rocks and paint them at home.

With the unpredictable British weather, how do you keep them entertained indoors?

Building a den and watching a movie is a great indoor activity! You'll need chairs, pegs, sheets and space. Throw in some comfy cushions, fairy lights and toys and they'll be in there for hours.

Don't forget that we're here too if you want to keep your kids entertained in Club V. Or bring them along to Virgin Active for a dip in the pool after a fun day of activities. Tag us on Instagram if you use any of these tips this summer


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