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How to bounce back when life is off track

28 Jan 2022 13:09PM by Virgin Active


There's no denying that since the pandemic, times have been tough. This in turn can take its toll on our mental health and our motivations. It's completely normal to have days when your energy and enthusiasm might not be as high as it was the day before. If you feel like life is getting you down, we've got a motivational toolkit to help you feel fitter, stronger or just ready to come back.

Remember your goals

Do you have any goals this year? Maybe you've got something that you want to work on this month or even just this week.

Whatever you want to work towards, don't forget to keep track of your progress. Write down your wins (however big or small), your ambitions and what motivates you to carry on. You can then read this list that you've compiled to remind yourself of what you're working towards on a daily basis.

If you previously had a fitness goal that you didn't quite reach, ask yourself: was it do-able in the first place? Maybe you need to set yourself a more manageable goal, or get help from one of our Personal Trainers to help you reach it and stay motivated. This way, you can stay on track with your progress.

Imagine a successful outcome

Many athletes, musicians and actors use visualisation as a powerful tool in helping them to overcome obstacles. By picturing themselves succeeding before they perform, it helps them to stay motivated and achieve success. When you try to think of a large goal, it can be easy to spend too much time worrying about not achieving it, especially when life throws a few spanners in the works! But by thinking positively and imagining how great it will be if you achieve your goal, you'll stay focused.

Be kind to yourself

No matter how much you think you’ve achieved, you deserve a treat. Being kind to yourself comes in many different forms and could look like taking some me-time in our spa with a facial or enjoying an unwinding session in our hydrotherapy pool.

Away from our clubs, retail therapy, walking in nature and catching up on that box set you’ve wanted to watch are all great ways to show yourself that you are worthy of kindness. 

Share your challenges with others

Want to get fit in the Cycle studio but don't want to do it alone? Ask a friend to join you so you can spur each other on. Or try our Grid Training for some community spirit, so you don't feel like you're trying to reach an impossible goal by yourself. Share your targets with others and remember you never have to go it alone.

What tips would you give yourself to get yourself smiling when you feel down? Share your thoughts with us on our social channels. We love to hear from you!

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