
Gym Floor


A self-powered treadmill that lets you train your whole body in any way you can think of. Completely controlled by you, it reacts to your movements to speed up, slow down and give you different levels of resistance. And with dual handlebars you can exercise in different positions, working every muscle group. Then track your performance on the built-in console.


An incredibly intelligent set of weighing scales. This sophisticated piece of tech gives you a comprehensive breakdown of your body composition – your fat percentage, muscle mass, metabolic rate, hydration levels, overall weight and much more. It uses an undetectable electric current to systematically scan your body and analyse all this data, which you can access online.


The focal point for functional training – an approach to fitness that uses your bodyweight for results. Pull, push, punch – use monkey bars and dip bars, as well as suspension belts, punch bags, boxing rings and more. It’s basically a climbing frame, for adults.


Who knew you could do so much with just one piece of kit. These ball-shaped weights with attached handles are hugely versatile, allowing you to develop almost every aspect of your fitness, from endurance and strength to agility and balance. Harness the power of the kettlebell for a full body workout that’ll get you burning fat and engaging with different muscle groups for a more sculpted physique. There are endless exercise variations you can do, but here are a few of our favourites.


TRX stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise. It’s suspension training that uses your body weight and gravity as resistance to build strength and fitness. Using a series of straps attached to a wall or frame, TRX was developed by a Navy SEAL as a way to stay in shape no matter where his job took him.


On the gym floor or in the pool. Find things you want to do, in the places you want to do them.

Explore Aldersgate

Delve into this underground hideout between Barbican and St Paul’s, with plenty of space to be all kinds of active. Swap your desk for a hammock at lunchtime. Fit in a few lengths of front crawl before work. And look forward to the fluffy robes and towels waiting for you in the changing rooms.

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