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How to set your workout goals for the new year

21 Dec 2022 06:00AM by Barbara Askew - Academy Tutor

beginners fitness classes

A new year is the best time to set goals for yourself, and no we’re not talking about the impromptu resolutions we make 5 minutes before it hits midnight. Setting realistic goals for a brand new year of your fitness journey may seem a bit daunting as well, because you might not know which direction you want to head in. But it’s all about taking it at your own pace and setting achievable goals no matter how big or small they might be.

Check out some tips on how to reset for the New Year and bring new goals into your routine.

Set SMART goals

SMART goals are used in quite a lot of settings and are really effective at tracking the progress of your goals. The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based. You could try writing down your goals following this pattern and tracking them at each step. For example, a SMART goal could be wanting to complete a Couch to 5K by the end of January.

Personalise your goals

A generic goal such as ‘go on more runs’ won’t be as motivating as setting personalised goals tailored to your mind and body. You can look back over your past goals for an idea of which direction to continue in, or if you want to switch up your goals completely. Ask yourself what you care about and what motivates you, as well as what doesn’t. A personalised fitness goal could be ‘hold a bridge pose in Yoga for 1 minute to strengthen my back’.

Create a plan

Writing out a plan in list form or in your calendar can help with setting your New Year goals, and it’ll help you visualise them better. For example, you could create weekly or monthly workout plans including nutrition and days off (as we all need them!) Identify the amount of time you’ll exercise for and what types of workouts or classes you’ll do that help you kick start your goals.

Bring your buddy along

It’s always easier to have a workout buddy help you in the gym, so why not have them help you out with setting your goals too? You could create combined plans or share your goals and help each other stay on track.

Are you ready to set some goals for the New Year? We’re here to get you back to your fitness routine after the holidays!
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